Monday, June 9, 2014

Untitled Little Moan

What if I left, just walked away? Its been ages since I cared about a weekday. I am terrible at my work, which as often as not I shirk. I have some friends in this place. They are all quitting, for a better state. 
Of mind and body.
I have nothing in hand, I have no plans. If I stay home, I am afraid. Afraid that I will watch tv shows, and eat cheese and excavate affection from an old dog who would rather sleep.

I no longer understand my city or my country. They all know more than me. Prophecy is easy for them, and television is smarter than a book or a newspaper. I barely read either anymore. 

How long could I lie? Get up in the morning and put on a (metaphorical) tie. Go to a coffee place and have chai after chai after chai. In the evening get drunk. Come back home in a funk. I could do it for a while, then someone would tell. I'd be out of money. And my bastard friends would bitch, about this little hitch. 

I'd give their little minds, a little bit of fun. A chance to feel superior, while they drink Sangria's like men drink rum. Each wanting to intellectualise, a partial friend's demise.

Is that why I stay? No I lie, I do that by the way. I like the money, I really do. I just wish something interesting would give me some too.

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